Aug 6, 2004

Vacation '04

Got back from vacation (2 days) in St. Louis. Lesley, Ashley, Troy, and I stayed in Quality Inn. It was a good hotel near Six Flags. It had a king size bed and all. It was a great day at Six Flags. It didn't rain till almost 7. We rode almost all they rides at least once. Dinner consisted of Pizza Hut (which was ok). Yesterday Lesley and I went to the St. Louis Science Center. There were some kid grouos there, so they were a pain in the ass but we got to do stuff too. We watched a movie in the Omnimax: Lewis and Clark: Great Journey West. We went to Union Station too. It was tough trying to get there cause John Edwards was in town and a lot of roads were blocked off. We had to park a couple of blocks away, but as soon as we got there the whole thing was over. The night ended with a Cardinal game vs. the Expos. The hardest part was navigating through downtown St. Louis. It was hard with all the One Ways and No Turning signs. Traffic was packed after the game. We waited in line for an hour. The good news is we finally got home at 2:00 in the morning. It was a great vaction.
My favorite Six Flags Rides:
  1. River King Mine Train
  2. Screamin' Eagle
  3. The Boss

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