Oct 21, 2005

Change your Windows XP to Mac OS X

Mac OS X, made by Apple, is one of the most technologically advanced operating systems out there, and easily the most visually pleasing--something Windows is sorely lacking in. This is the reason why so many Windows users desire to emulate OS X. It is my hope that this will help you in your journey to make your Windows XP PC look like Mac OS X.

read more digg story

St. Louis savors memories of Busch

Down to the very last out, the stands were still full of Cardinals fans, all of them standing in red-clad unison, flashbulbs popping all around for the entire ninth inning.

It was a moment to remember. It was a moment to say farewell.

Oct 12, 2005


Today we ate at China Palace. It was pretty good especially the crab rangoon. Fall break is thursday and friday. Friday I'm off work too.